Renewed app to give traceability to the vaccination process: another tool for coccidiosis prevention

28 September, 2020

In September 2020, HIPRA has launched a new version of HIPRAlink® Vaccination. A renewed software to control coccidiosis prevention at hatchery level.

Hatcheries present a frenetic pace and the volume of hatched eggs are progressively greater. Under these conditions, both the processes automation and subsequent handling in incubation and after hatching is vital.

Coccidiosis prevention using vaccines attenuated by precociousness is a common strategy in broiler breeders and layers, and increasingly common in broilers.

Therefore, automation and control at hatchery of each action, as the vaccination procedure through tools such as HIPRAlink® Vaccination, is essential.

What is the aim? Continuous progress for the coccidiosis prevention

At HIPRA, we are constantly working on improving our digital products and services. On this occasion, we are presenting a new version of HIPRAlink® Vaccination, the digital tool that allows hatcheries to control, plan, analyse and certify their vaccination sessions in the simplest and most effective way.


Thanks to the SMART VACCINATION concept, developed by HIPRA in 2016, coccidiosis vaccinations performed with Hipraspray® are automatically registered and controlled on the new HIPRAlink® Vaccination software. Moreover, once the vaccination activity is ended, hatcheries can optionally share their Vaccination Certificates with the recipient farms. These certificates verify the accurate and reliable vaccination at the hatchery and prove that the activity was performed according to the protocol for coccidiosis prevention.

Control and plan your vaccination sessions in a simple way


New features included: looking for the most comfortable way to work

Here you have the most important improvements and changes in this new version of HIPRAlink® Vaccination:

  1. Look and feel of the application: The most obvious change of the application has taken place in its visual part: new menus, sections, buttons… HIPRAlink® Vaccination has never been so easy and intuitive. Enjoy!
  2. Complete a session with extra information: From now on, you can also introduce the information about other type of vaccines, for example respiratory vaccines applied with Hipraspray®.
  3. Quick filters: See only the information you want to see in the calendar or graphs.
  4. Reports: You can easily get an Excel format report with all the details of the past vaccination sessions and obtain PDF format summary reports.
  5. Functionality and performance improvements: The new version of HIPRAlink® Vaccination has several technical improvements, so that the platform is as efficient as possible at all times and in all its processes. These include, among others, shorter response times when loading data, and a greater agility when carrying out certain tasks, such as sending a message.

Evaluate and make decisions thanks to the reports obtained in your vaccination sessions


With all these improvements, it has never been easier and friendlier to trace and ensure the vaccination processes, in order to increase coccidiosis prevention.

If you already have HIPRAlink® Vaccination on your laptop, right now you will have the new version available. If you use the app on your tablet or smartphone, please make sure you download the new version from Google Play or App Store.

As always, if you have any question regarding the new version, please ask our HIPRA staff in your country or just contact us. We will be very happy to help!

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