Data Management and Big Data: Something to deal with coccidiosis in poultry?

11 October, 2017

The world is connected and this connection generates millions and millions of data. We currently generate data every time we are online whether it’s by using our smartphones, GPS, social networks, when we buy things, when we go to work or when we communicate with each other, among other things.

It could be said that we leave tracks in the form of digital data due to almost every activity we carry out in our daily lives. It is predicted that by 2020, there will be 50 trillion devices connected to the Internet. So what about the poultry sector? The sector is also connected and it is becoming increasingly so. In industry, and particularly in the poultry farming industry, this digital transformation is also taking place.

For example, there are increasingly more devices being used in farms and hatcheries that have humidity sensors, sensors to regulate food, air quality control sensors, sensors for biosecurity, etc. Many of these devices are connected to the Internet and generate digital data on a daily basis. A clear example of this is with Hipraspray®, the vaccination device for COCCIDIOSIS AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES IN POULTRY which is connected to the Internet and provides 100% traceability through its HIPRAlink® software.

What do we get from this digital data and what value is there in BIG DATA Management? 

Does it make sense to opt for mass data management? Does it make sense to invest in big data and in the management of coccidiosis in poultry, for example? Are we capable of predicting, analysing and searching for epidemiological patterns in our hatcheries? The concept has had a low take-up in the poultry sector and only a few people manage their decision-making based on the analysis of big data. However, there is a growing trend to use such technology and in the future such technology will be applied to all business strategies, and this is especially true in the poultry industry when making correct or incorrect decisions could make a really significant difference to production. The 3 key aspects with big data, which also apply to the poultry industry, are:

1. High volume, real time data storage.

2. Thanks to the big data database, we can merge separate data and improve connectivity between different sources (for example, air quality sensors, production management programs, vaccine traceability, farm management software, etc.).

3. Big data software provides the ability to obtain and analyse data streams at high speed. It provides information in real time and helps decision-making become quick and effective (for example, when correlating air quality with data).

The topic is complex, but the answer is yes, if these 3 values are introduced and we use big data, we will be able to hold data that will provide us with answers during times of uncertainty at our farms precisely if we face a big problem of coccidiosis in poultry.

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